Pentesting Android Applications-Part 2 -Static Analysis


Pentesting Android Apps-Part 2 -Static Analysis

In this post I am going to detail how to perform static analysion Android apps recieved by developer.

For my example ,I am going to work with a sample apk named Diva

Open the file with Android Studio

First thing to start when analyzing an Android app is to see the AndroidManifest.xml file

1)Look for allowBackup attribute :

This attribute if set to true can allow backup of your app and then attackers can get private data 

Remediation : allowBackup attribute should be set to False

2) Look for debuggable attribute

This attribute determines whether the app is allowed to be debugged.

Remediation : debuggable attribute should be set to False

3) Check for insecure permissions

Go through the permissions with the developer to identify the purpose of every permission set and remove unnecessary permissions.

Remediation:Remove any unwanted permissions

 Next we will perform reverse engineer the apk file to see the code